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                                          IRRT Executive Board 
                                          November 13, 2013 

Present: Kem, Kear, Hickok, Hover, Roy, Guerra, Luedtke (Minutes by Kem)

Call to meeting: 1:03 PM EST.

Approval of minutes, September 25, 2013 meeting: add “Paul Coleman” to suggestions for Presidential Citation group within Reception Committee. Approval postponed until December meeting.

Officer reports: Chair: brief update on October/November travel and thanks to executive board for all the progress on round table projects during that time. Chair’s Program and Sister Libraries committees making progress and working well together.

Chair elect: update on committee appointments.

Secretary/treasurer: Was working happily at her desk, thinking the phone conference was later in the day.  : )

Members at large:

Hickok described plans for visit to Vietnam. Will contact liaison committees prior to departure. Hover described new/revised assignment at Virginia Tech. In contact with liaison committees.

Past chair: Is in contact with liaison committees. Nominating Committee completing slate for spring election. Slate will be presented at December board meeting. Will continue to mentor and assist Membership Committee. Will not attend mid-winter ALA in Philadelphia.


IRRT office report: Attending Guadalajara book fair in early December.

Standing committee reports: See officer/committee liaison reports.

Ad Hoc committee reports: Endowment committee: Presented framework for endowment. Approved by executive board.

Task force reports: Liaison/representative task force: template distributed; discussion will be held during December meeting.

China initiative task force: update expected in December.

Old Business: Reception/welcome at mid-winter: Kem will request space and support from ALA president.

Meetings at mid-winter: schedule distributed.

Report on Library 2.0 conference: Kear reported attendance on Friday was strong with drop-off for Saturday. Hickok reported IRRT presentation on Friday was well attended, well received and that interest was high among attendees.

New business: There is no overall “theme” for the year. Kear will respond to question from pre-conference committee.

Announcements, updates, comments, general discussion December 2013 meeting set for Wednesday, December 18.

Adjournment: 2:05 PM EST.