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Name of person submitting this report: Jennifer Snoek-Brown

Email of person submitting this report:

Report submission date: _X_midwinter ____annual

Name of committee: IRRT International Poster Sessions Committee

Name of committee chair (indicate if acting chair): Jennifer Snoek-Brown, co-chair (2013-2014) and Deana Groves, co-chair (2013-2015)

Committee chair e-mail address: and

Date of meeting(s): Midwinter all-committee meeting January 25

Members present: Sara Rizzo

Virtual members: n/a

Members absent: Jennifer Snoek-Brown, Deana Groves, Loida Garcia-Febo, Jamie Johnston, Valeria Molteni, Mary Kathryn Oberlies

Visitors: n/a

1. Summary of discussion and action; please indicate activities planned for the next 5 months: (Please note: if planning to raise an issue at the Executive Board Meeting at this conference please talk with the Chair prior to the meeting.)

The International Poster Sessions Committee will peer-review international poster session abstracts and submit finalists to overall ALA Poster Session Committee by mid-March – we are working on this right now -- and any committee members will help set up and oversee international poster session at ALA Annual Conference in late July.

2. Midwinter Meeting Only: Review current committee roster and list all continuing members and any members whose term will end this year and who wish to be reappointed for a second two-year term. Include yourself if applicable:

Sara Rizzo was able to attend the Midwinter Meeting and represent the IRRT International Poster Sessions Committee at the all-committee meeting and the executive board meeting. Sara will be one of the co-chairs for 2015-2017. Continuing members (through 2015): Deana Groves, Jamie Johnston, Valeria Molteni, Sara Rizzo Terms ending this year (2014): Jennifer Snoek-Brown, Loida Garcia-Febo, Mary Kathryn Oberlies

3. List names and e-mails of potential new members.

Last month, I was contacted by Betsy Simpson,, who will be joining the committee for 2014-2016. She was clarifying when her committee responsibilities began and the major duties of the committee in general. She seems eager and excited to contribute!

4. List any members who have indicated interest in serving on another IRRT committee or running for an IRRT office. Include yourself, if applicable.

I was pleased to learn that Sara Rizzo has signed up for a continuing term and will be a co-chair!

5. Who would you recommend to serve as chair next year? Indicate if you are interested in serving as chair again.'

I know that Deana Groves will continue as co-chair next year. She and I have worked together this year with the knowledge that I will be going off the committee, and for me to do more of the communications this year so that she has a model to follow – or to revise! – next year during her second year as co-chair. That system has seemed to work well for us and would be a workable model for the ongoing co-chair committee structure.

6. Please write any other comments about the committee's membership here.
