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ALA 2014 Mid-Winter Conference, Philadelphia, PA

IRRT Executive Board Meeting

January 26, 2014 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Philadelphia Marriott Downtown – Room 408

Attending: Carol Kem, Robin Kear, John Hickok, Beth Cramer, Delin Guerra, Martin Garner, Marilyn Lewis, Kate McNamara, Sara Margaret Rizzo, Anthony Elia, Ven Basco, Joyce Ogburn, Maggie Farrell, Luis Herrera, Michael Miller

Welcome to visitors

Introduction of IRRT Executive Board Introduction of IRRT committee chairs present Introduction of ALA staff present Introduction of visitors

Call to order: 8:45 a.m.

Agenda approved

Approval of minutes of January 15, 2014 meeting: Kear moved minutes approved, Hickok seconded. Minutes approved, posted on the IRRT wiki. Officer reports:

Chair: RTCA meeting (Round Table Coordinating Assembly): Carol and Robin attended this meeting on Friday, January 24. Carol mentioned that IRRT is the largest round table (almost 1900 members), larger than many Divisions. Perhaps additional ALA support is needed in the form of office support or additional funding for IFLA attendance. Council representation for round tables- rule at this point is a round table must have at least 600 members (one percent of ALA membership) to be represented by a councilor—why? This is being discussed. IRC meeting; will attend PBA

Chair elect: RTCA meeting (see above)

Secretary/treasurer: Budget update ($718 raised from membership so far this year; ending budget to date, $18,285); will attend PBA

Members at large: See below

Visit from Maggie Farrell, candidate for ALA President. IOC/IRRT office report: Michael Dowling (Delin Guerra reporting): We have almost 100 international attendees from 21 countries attending Midwinter. Guadalajara Book Fair, 115 US librarians attending in 2013. Michael went on a two week trip to China, and presented about ALA at the Sharjah International Book Fair in the Emirate of Sharjah. The ALA International Office is hosting a trip to Costa Rica this summer, information posted on the IRO website. IRO continues to work with IFLA continuing education to provide free quarterly webinars. The Africa subcommittee is accepting papers for ALA Annual.

IRC report: Luis Herrera, IRC chair: Looking for support for the ALA 2015 Strategic Plan; to provide updates for where we are on this Plan.

Standing committee reports:

• Slate for spring elections: Nominees: Chair: John Hickok and Ravil Veli; Member at Large: Martha Parker, Loida Garcia-Febo; Councilor: Haipeng Li and Martin Garnar.

• Committee appointments update: They are filling committee appointments. Found someone “on the ground” to help Reception with planning in Las Vegas. Looking for someone to help reception planning in San Francisco. Six committees filled, we have co-chairs for everything. Waiting to hear back from a couple of potential committee appointments. Co-chairs will be appointed on a staggered basis, example being the Reception Committee. Looking for a new co-chair to work with Loida, to be assigned next year on a staggered basis. We also need a replacement for IRRT ALA Councilor representative. Carol has put forth the name of Anthony Elia, with the Executive Board’s approval, to serve as a short-term position, through ALA Annual in Las Vegas.

• Updates and questions from Saturday all committees meeting: Papers: have eight papers submitted, selected four. Chair’s Program: They need to know the deadlines for finalizing program, recruiting speakers, equipment requests, etc. Delin helped explain the deadlines for ALA Annual. Deadline for printed program is March. International Visitor’s Center: Request for funding for a banner. Membership: Working on the new membership brochure. We are next in line for brochure making.

Ad Hoc committee reports: Endowment committee, Carol Kem: Hard at work. Carol encourages IRRT members to donate to the endowment.

Task force reports:

• Liaison/representative task force. Brief update, Hickok: Pruning of IRRT liaisons. Finished with the assessment of which liaison appointments needed. Next step is to finish. Need to contact assigned liaisons and check if they are attending and what is their role. And more importantly, how do they report to the IRRT Executive Board?

• China Initiative task force. Hickok: Nothing new to report.

Old Business:

Report on reception/welcome at mid-winter: About 25 people total, three international librarians. Questions are-- who will organize this reception in the future and is it worth the cost, specifically at Midwinter. What is the purpose of the reception/welcome? And what if we do not receive space or financial help from the ALA President in the future? The point was made that this is great networking opportunity for IRRT to socialize with past-ALA Presidents and other prominent members.

New business:

• Bylaws and Policy Manual revision: update on ad hoc committee, Kem: At the RTCA on Friday, all Round Tables were asked to look at the by-laws. Technically this falls to the Publications Committee but Robin will also be forming an ad-hoc committee to help with this very large project, perhaps with leadership from a member of the Publications Committee.

• Sponsorship of an Emerging Leader, Kear: Sponsorship is a $1000 commitment, $500 for Midwinter and $500 for Annual travel. Kem is checking on the deadline for signing up as a sponsor.

• ALA candidate presentations (as candidates arrive)

• ALA executive board liaison presentation, Mario Gonzalez (unable to attend)

• ALA BARC liaison presentation, Mario Gonzalez (unable to attend)

Announcements, updates, comments, general discussion:

• Skype executive board meetings will be scheduled February and March, 2014

Adjournment: Moved by Cramer, seconded by Kear.

Adjourned 10:43.